The Daily Respite
The Daily Respite
February 1, 2021

February 1, 2021


Good morning!

It’s Monday, and it’s the first day of February. Since much of the northeastern United States is bracing for a nor’easter that’ll dump at least a foot of snow, I thought we’d practice some escapism this morning.

The right-pointing arrow at the top of this email will play you an audio recording of Maine in the height of August, complete with a symphony of crickets, a passing bee, and the faint sound of the bell buoy off in the bay. I recorded this in the very spot where today’s photo was taken. Close your eyes and you’ll be there.

“Today is the first of February, snowy, brilliant, but dripping with the sound of spring wherever the sun lies warm, and calling with the heart of spring yonder where the crows are assembling. There is spring in the talk of the chickadees outside my window, and in the cheerful bluster of a red squirrel in the hickory.”

― Dallas Lore Sharp

That’ll do for today.

Stay warm, and be sure to keep a shovel by the back door,


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