Watch now | Good morning! It’s Sunday, and what better day for us to head outside than on the autumnal equinox. We’ve reached the tipping point of change, the fulcrum upon which the seasons rest, a celestial teeter-totter whose game will be won by an autumn already fattened with cider donuts and pumpkin pie.
They're coming. I was just thinking this morning that whenever I think the leaves might not be good this year, or they're past peak, I'm always wrong. I can depend on that! :)
Aww that was lovely!
Lovely early Fall day ahead of us! Going to a church barbecue and picnic!
Now you’re just making me jealous… We are experiencing hot-umn in south central Texas with temps still pushing 100°🥵
It must have been a beautiful Fall day for John to write that !
Old John Donne—he knew how to speak to “mature” women!
Hope I find some when I go to Maine in mid October !
But where, oh where are the changing leaves?
They're coming. I was just thinking this morning that whenever I think the leaves might not be good this year, or they're past peak, I'm always wrong. I can depend on that! :)