Thank you for helping me through an unbelievable week, Clara.

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Thank you for the quote from Thich Nhat Hanh ...

S Coluzzi

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Thank you Clara.💖😌

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Beautiful quote. Grateful for your beautiful ROAD. It’s perfect❣️

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Perfect. Thank you.

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I have always appreciated the Daily Respite and especially now it was exactly what I needed!

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I have recently had mobility problems so just walking has been a challenge but I am determined to be able to do this again. A walk is very good for us all during this scary time. Even though I am Canadian, I worry about what is to come

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One step at a time, one foot after the other. As the world turns…..wait, I think I just alluded to how old I am. (50s TV soap opera).

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Thank you, Clara. Your kindness, thoughtfulness, generous sharing of your lovely Maine are a healing balm.

Personally, my present strategy is to not give any energy to the chaos. This helps me in that.

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I think a lot of us are going to be walking and doing whatever we can to come to grips with a scary new reality. Together. Then, after the walks, it's time to take action.

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I was thinking about a walk today and that is now planned.

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It’s marvellously warm and it’s sunny in SW Ontario, so I’m going to the Pinery to walk a long wooded trail to the beach and back. Nothing like a conservation area trail! Spelling Bee (NYT) is good too. Wishing all peace of mind today.

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Thank you- honestly I don’t know if I’m coming or going 💙

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No ? Mark, ha! My dog licked my hand!

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A beautiful scene and a wonderful quote?

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So good to know we are not alone.

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