I love to hear the robins sing....bye, bye winter, hello spring!

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For someone who lives in a country where there are no bears or any other animal predators (just the human variety) your casual line “Now that the bears are awake” is full of magic and wonder.

How do you know they are awake?

Do they all wake up on the 1st of May? Do they pass by and wave?


And thanks for the quote. It is beautiful.

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What a lovely quote! I’ll take Teddy bears over real bears! A very thorough and super specific warning from a park ranger to my parents as we entered Yosemite gave me quite a fright at a young age.

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Wait!….. Bears?? Somehow I just didn’t picture them by your house. We have coyotes, raccoons, deer, foxes and the very occasional sighting of a mountain lion but no bears. Do they eat the bird seed? Seems like a certain amount of work for a small volume but then they are probably hungrier than me.

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You have mountain lions??? :) Yes, New England is rife with black bears. My partner saw a mama with 3 tiny cubs while riding his bike yesterday. They are attracted to the scent of the seed and suet and usually just clobber the dangling feeder and break it--not hard for them!

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There is a significant amount of wild park land in the East Bay hills (San Francisco Bay Area). There will be a report of a Mountain Lion sighting every year. I’ve never seen one but periodically the park system warns those of us with small children or dogs to pay attention while hiking. It’s funny how you can get more “comfortable” with what lives in your area but are alarmed by what doesn’t. Can you say, “bears”? Lol

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Yes, exactly! Here people have enormous fear about fisher cats, which are members of the marten/otter family but they will only prey on pets if desperate. We have bobcats too, of which I heard and recorded the horrifying howl one night. We also supposedly have mountain lions ("catamounts" here) but sightings are very rare. I would be discomfited and excited both to see any of them! :)

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Lovely keep doing what you do it's all so welcoming

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Beautiful! Yes! Let’s all sing!

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I love the sounds of your crows cawing amongst the smaller birds chatter.

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I could listen to that forever. Wish I could download and listen on repeat as I sit in traffic on my way to work this (and every) morning!

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So beautiful! I love the sound of birds ! It reminds me of my first daughter’s first few weeks when we were up at all times with the birds!

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Lovely! Poetry in song and words! Thank you Clara! ❤️

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Twilight, and the birds are calling…

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What an apt quote. Thank you.

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