Your mind will answer most questions… if you wait… Lovely, heartening

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I love the picture and certainly love your suggestion, but I have been in Stewing Mode for such a long time that I don’t know how to even BEGIN stopping!🤷🏻‍♀️Maybe get in the car and go to a beach???

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I think that is an excellent idea. I find it works if I get out of the stewpot, and just sit by the water and breathe. A lot of mind clearing happens then.

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Excellent❣️Thank you! I love that “stewpot”. Exactly right. Breathing’s good too.👍❤️

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This is beautiful Clara. Thank you. I am waiting for the questions I need to ask my vet when I take my panther cat, Ghosty, to see him. He has been looking not right the past couple of days, drinking water but not eating a lot, but also alert and pretty playful at times. He is a senior cat with fiv, so I will be asking a lot of questions, hoping they can fit me in sometime tomorrow.💖😌

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I wish you the very best, Our sweet fur companions are embedded in our souls, and mean so much, and they trust us so.

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Thank you. Called vet and he is going in tomorrow, should get some answers then.

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Ghostly is lucky to have such an attentive human for a companion. May you find out what you need to know.

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Thanks Clara.💖🙏

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I love the pine on the right, the land in distances and the shore. The sky is beautiful. The water is heavenly. I’ll carry it with me today!

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Just what I needed: peaceful lake shimmers. ❤️ Thanks!

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As always, a lovely way to start the day. ❤️ As I’ve aged, I’ve learned that answers aren’t always immediate (not always easy).

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I love that one shimmery wave that looks like it's depositing silver coins on the shore.

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Thank you! We have been buried in snow for the past few days so your lovely landscape is especially valued. Relaxing and waiting is very difficult for me. Thanks for the reminder.

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Love listening to the sounds of the water and the ravens conversing. As if on cue, the ravens in the tree across from us started greeting the morning and making their plans to have no plans :-) Yawn, stretch - everyone have a lovely day!

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Plans to have no plans! How perfect.

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Relax and wait ... my two most difficult states of being. Good reminder - thank you!

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What A wise quote and A beautiful walk to go with it. It looks like Spring is here!

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A treat for the mind and vision!

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Even when lots is planned there are always moments to stop and breathe and enjoy life ! Thanx Clara

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My husband and and I are having a Sabbath!

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I am going to do my best to catch my breath and relax. Thanks for the lovely video♥️

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Patience is the twin sibling of understanding.

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