The water always makes me happy.

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Watching on Monday morning

This one's a keeper for sure!

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Thank you for this. I missed seeing it this morning but it is a lovely lullaby this evening.

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Such a relaxing sound

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I SO love that buoy bell❣️What a treat. And I keep delaying (🤷🏻‍♀️) Googling John Muir to find out whether he is an ancestor of the ranching Muirs I used to know when I lived in MT❣️

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After a very busy Saturday this was just what I needed to start the day!

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While watching and listening to this lovely video, my shoulders immediately lowered and my breathing slowed. Thank you so much for this lovely moment of calm, and the quote is just perfect.

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Each day I’m treated to the sighs of the whistle buoy in the channel. It’s a comforting sound during the night and morning hours before the busyness of the day kicks in.

Waves lapping, buoys sighing and singing, the words of John Muir - ahhhhhh :-)

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Thank you for today's respite. I miss the ocean and the sound of buoys. And the quote is the icing on the cake!

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Burrrrrrr! I love the sound of the buoy!

Plus A lovely quote!

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That is a beautiful quote. John Muir was and still is a blessing. Thanks for the lift!

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I have been to church! I have worshipped. I am been in the presence! Amen.

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Perfect quote...Thank you.

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Ah, the bell buoy, one of my favorite sounds!

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Moving water is always mesmerizing and calming. Thank you for this moment of serenity.

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