Wow, how time does fly. So glad you created this journey for us to go on together ❤️

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So lovely. I’ve never seen icicles that look like bells. Congratulations and thank you for five years of delightful respite.

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I love this picture!!!

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Wonderful picture❣️I love it❣️🙏

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That is one of the prettiest photos you've ever graced us with.

And Goethe's quote is how I feel about podcasts and IG and Daily Respite. I feel I am close to those with whom I correspond regularly, and that makes the world feel safer and more full.

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That would have stopped me in my tracks!! So beautiful! Looks a bit chilly….

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so weird

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They look as if they are all in cut glass vases

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That's an amazing photo. Happy Anniversary!

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Those are delicate cup to be appreciated while they share their beauty with you and you with us!! They are a fleeting treasure.

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What joy you have brought to me. Such an ideal setting, and your whimsical imagination brings it even more alive. The quote is soul enriching. Thank you so much.

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This is just an amazing photo—I’ve never seen ice form like this - into moving waters! Perhaps it’s a rare event to celebrate Respitopia’s birthday!!!

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Aren't they beautiful? Like blown bobbles of glass

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Such a magical moss toast celebrating Respitopia's fifth birthday ~ dipping "their crystal cups in the bubbling punchbowl" ~ Yes! ~ I love it! Many Happy Returns!!!

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Happy birthday, Respitopia! I’ve loved every minute and post of these five years we’ve traveled together. 🌞

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I am so happy to have found Respitopia - such an oasis of soul - soothing calm.

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