A extra thank you for this one.

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Lovely on all counts… image, sound, silence, and quote!

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WOW! This is perfect. I'd been in a bad place today.


Now to listen to our field sounds...

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It’s a test each day to balance myself so I don’t bite my fellow humans. This is a lovely reminder to try harder to approach the day with some grace and positivity. Off to the food store…. We’ll see how that goes. Lol!

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Thank you, Clara, for the music of the woods and meadow, for the beautiful photo and the perfect words from Howard Zinn. Ideal for centering, for sitting with and letting it all sink in.

Many thanks also to you and everyone who shared yesterday for creating a safe space to express all we are thinking, feeling, struggling with. It's overwhelming. Simply absorbing all that came out yesterday and the day before will be a long process; it's reassuring to know there is a seat in the meadow to find comfort, solace and inspiration.

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Just what I needed. 🙏🏼 Thank you Clara ❤️❤️

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thank you for such grounding words. the bell bouy's call is so soul southing for me too

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Excellent❣️I want to simply jump into the picture and walk down the path. Beautiful.

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Thank you for the sounds of silence! I always turn to your page before anything else. I only knew the Brilliant historian side of Howard Zinn - didn't know he was a brilliant philosopher too. On my good days, I can aspire to the mindset he describes. Thank you!

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Well put Clara and Howard. Thanks for this peaceful moment each day.

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Balance ... breathe ... good words for today. Thank you for the reminder.

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Thank you Clara for that quiet moment of Summer.

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Thank you for your gifts today. Both are helping restore hope to my spirit. xo

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Thank you for this quote.

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