Oh I remember seeing that park when I went to Le Bon Marche, I was needing to get back to my MIL so I didn't spend time exploring the area. I really need to get back to Paris.

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I love the Paris tour.

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Cheers to the quote ! I would love to take A ride on that carousel!

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It sounds like a delightful ride! I used to get so lost in those books when I was young, and not so young....

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Lots more pictures please! We need fun these days.

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Loved the merry -go-round !

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How fun!

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“Ina! You dropped a glove! Come on down!” (Frantically knits a glove)

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What a beautiful quote, and what a darling "merry-go-round", as we called them growing up.

I think it is simply wonderful that you are able to be in France. Enjoy Enjoy

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You make me smile,wonderful carousel 🎠 💓 enjoy this day

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Imagination and creativity support a full life. So sad if we do only what we must do. Where is the fun in that ? Take a few simple items and create something, get away from the electronics !

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Oh absolutely. I found out recently that several of my cousins children are going to a Waldorf School, where the creed is No Screens.

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Oh to be a child on a carousel again rather than living in the US during this dark time in “the land of the free and home of the brave”…

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It’s quite a different carousel ride isn’t it.

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Thank you for this as it supported my love of imagination and creativity.

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You should stay there - it's a mess in America and getting worse by the day. Your posts and pictures do have an immediate calming effect on me though. I need to read them often.

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