
Good morning!

It’s Sunday, and December has arrived. To celebrate, I’ve brought us down the long dirt road. We’ve descended the Hill That Requires a Commitment, passed the Field of Dreams, greeted my great grandfather’s apple trees, and paused by the spot where the road floods after heavy rains. (It was, I’m happy to report, not flooded.)

A bit further along, we stole through the woods until we reached this spot. We’re looking across a narrow arm of the bay that isn’t a bay at all, but, rather, a reach. The name refers to any straight, narrow body of water that can be easily navigated without having to make too many course adjustments. Seems a fitting place to stand as we prepare to navigate a new month, yes?

“If you surrender to the wind you can ride it.”

—Toni Morrison



p.s.—You can also watch today’s video via this link.

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