Oh my gosh! The scents of woodsmoke, bacon, and coffee are my absolute favorites. I dogs. I love the smell of dogs. Even damp ones...

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You live in such a glorious place!! Even in the rain! 😂

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Beautiful! We had buckets last night, but accompanied by all of Mother Nature’s fireworks and bomb blasts! Alarming, but refreshing 😳

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So peaceful I opened this just as it started to rain here - very much needed.

The flora here is definitely smiling.

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A perfect read in bed and maybe a nap day.

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Oh that was lovely! Today is definitely going to be all about rest!

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Such a treat!

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Good reminder that I need to be less anxious as I am leaving for Montana on holidays. I am nowhere near ready. I need to relax and just get on with things. Thanks for the reminder!

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Thanks so much for sharing, wish you could send some of that for real to those of us in drought-stricken south Texas💙

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A rainy day with coffee and bacon? How could you sleep?! Enjoy your perfect day!

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That's a perfect quote for today Clara. I have been doing that today. By the time I reach this part of summer, my system just wants a rest, even the crickets sound like they are taking it easy, singing but not so loudly.💖😌

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I will take the easy resting day - woke up at 2AM and could not get back to sleep. Ugh.

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Almost at a full moon(tomorrow), maybe that affected you.

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And the moon was probably at its highest in sky around 2AM.

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What is it about a New England rainy summer morning? It takes me back to a week at Daniel’s Pond in Vermont when I was 16 and set loose on the world, staying with a few friends at a cabin in the woods - those first idyllic days of freedom…

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Looks like the perfect rainy summer mornings in Maine that reside in my memory…

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