
Good morning!

It’s Sunday, and we’ve walked down, down, down the dirt road and through the woods to the spot where the swamp finally meets the sea.

Later in the summer, this spot will be lush with ferns and skunk cabbage to the point of seeming almost tropical. But this morning, the chill in the air leaves no room for doubt as to where we are.

So stand with me, and let’s watch and listen as the water finishes one journey and prepares to begin another.

“When the first light dawned on the earth, and the birds awoke, and the brave river was heard rippling confidently seaward, and the nimble early rising wind rustled the oak leaves about our tent, all people, having reinforced their bodies and their souls with sleep, and cast aside doubt and fear, were invited to unattempted adventures.”

—Henry David Thoreau

Ever onwards,


p.s.—You can also watch today’s video via this link.

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